Saturday, October 6, 2012

Blogging with a family

It is never easy to be a parent whether you have help from family, a husband, friends, are co-parenting or doing it on your own. Children can pose a challenge everyday and for so many different reasons. My kids are the reason I try to be conscious of every word I say out my mouth, every action I take, and every decision I make. I am so far from perfect but God knows I try very hard on a daily basis, when it comes to my kids. I do know they will not go without these things if I can help it and they are food, a home, clean clothing, water and soap to wash with, and the most important they will never go without love!

I am so proud to claim every one of my six kids. When people ask "how do you do it?" I always tell them with grace and blessings from God I am able to do all things. So with that being said, I begin on this journey of "Blogging" with the same grace and blessings from God. I am still not sure of what the main posts will be about but you can bet there will be posts about my kids, parenting six, being a mom and a student, how I deal with everyday life while keeping my sanity and my house together, I will also have posts about my crafts and the business venture I have along with the blogging venture I decided to take myself on. I cannot promise you will like every post or that I can entertain you in every post but I have been told my life was interesting and that my crafts are worth sharing so I will now let you be the judge.

Please stop in as often as you like I am dedicating myself to this blog at LEAST once a  month, as I get acquainted with this world of blogging I will update more often. Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog today and reading a bit of what is on my mind. Be blessed!